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- Yasmine Reyes to Adelina Reyna
- Adelita Reyna to David Reyna
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- Susan Reznick to Mary Rhames
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- June Rhoton to Michael Rhum
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- Johnny Rhymes to Jane Rhyne
- Janet Rhyne to John Rhynerson
- Angela Rhynes to Rhonda Rials
- Richard Rials to Michael Riba
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- Douglas Ribbeck to Celia Ribeiro
- Celso Ribeiro to Marta Ribeiro
- Mary Ribeiro to Pedro Ribera
- Petra Ribera to Christopher Ricard
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- Samuel Riccelli to Deborah Ricci
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- Zack Richardson to James Richbourg
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- Betty Richey to Gay Richey
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- Loyd Richey to Susan Richey
- Suzanne Richey to Clifford Richie
- Clifton Richie to Margaret Richie
- Margie Richie to Dennis Richins
- Diane Richins to Allen Richman
- Allison Richman to Joyce Richman
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- Chase Richmond to Everett Richmond
- Fannie Richmond to Julian Richmond
- Julie Richmond to Maude Richmond
- Maureen Richmond to Sally Richmond
- Sam Richmond to Karen Richner
- Kimberly Richner to Catherine Richter
- Cathy Richter to Gerda Richter
- Gerhard Richter to Kristi Richter
- Kristin Richter to Priscilla Richter
- R Richter to Yvonne Richter
- Zachary Richter to Elizabeth Rick
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- Williams Rick to Elaine Rickard
- Eleanor Rickard to Nina Rickard
- Norma Rickard to Matthew Rickards
- Michael Rickards to John Rickelman
- Mary Rickelman to Courtney Ricker
- Craig Ricker to Lois Ricker
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- Brittany Rickerson to Jamie Rickert
- Jane Rickert to Donald Ricketson
- Elizabeth Ricketson to Rachel Rickett
- Ralph Rickett to Dave Ricketts
- David Ricketts to Kristine Ricketts
- Kurt Ricketts to Sydney Ricketts
- Sylvia Ricketts to Patrick Rickey
- Paul Rickey to Carole Rickman
- Carolyn Rickman to Luther Rickman
- Lynn Rickman to Alonzo Ricks
- Alphonso Ricks to Dorothy Ricks
- Doug Ricks to Kathy Ricks
- Katie Ricks to Queen Ricks
- R Ricks to Zane Ricks
- Charles Ricksecker to Chris Rico
- Christian Rico to Isidro Rico
- Ismael Rico to Natasha Rico
- Nathalie Rico to Zulema Rico
- Antonio Ricon to Deborah Riddell
- Debra Riddell to Scot Riddell
- Scott Riddell to Annie Riddick
- Anthony Riddick to Jessica Riddick
- Jessie Riddick to Stacey Riddick
- Stacy Riddick to Candice Riddle
- Candy Riddle to Eva Riddle
- Evan Riddle to Karen Riddle
- Kari Riddle to Morgan Riddle
- Morris Riddle to Tammie Riddle