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- Randy Sweet to Robert Sweetapple
- Albert Sweeten to Deborah Sweeting
- Debra Sweeting to Carol Sweetman
- Carolyn Sweetman to Ruth Sweetser
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- Anna Sweitzer to Russell Sweitzer
- Ruth Sweitzer to Dale Swensen
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- Bette Swenson to Floyd Swenson
- Forrest Swenson to Lars Swenson
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- Ronda Swenson to Daniel Swerdlow
- David Swerdlow to Gerald Swett
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- Norman Swezey to Robert Swicegood
- Ronald Swicegood to Mildred Swick
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- John Swiecki to Audra Swift
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- Elliott Swift to Katrina Swift
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- Willis Swift to Dennis Swiger
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- Bruce Swim to Carolyn Swindall
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- John Swinea to Steve Swinehart
- Steven Swinehart to Bruce Swinford
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- Christopher Swing to Gregory Swingle
- Harold Swingle to Cheryl Swink
- Chris Swink to John Swinkels