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- Larry Draffen to Jessica Drager
- Joan Drager to Grace Drago
- Helen Drago to Jerome Dragon
- Jessica Dragon to Christine Dragoo
- Christopher Dragoo to Peter Dragt
- William Dragt to Darius Drain
- Darren Drain to April Draine
- Brenda Draine to Boyce Drake
- Boyd Drake to Darius Drake
- Darla Drake to Franklin Drake
- Fred Drake to Jodi Drake
- Jodie Drake to Lori Drake
- Lorie Drake to Olton Drake
- Oma Drake to Sonya Drake
- Sophia Drake to David Drakeford
- Dawn Drakeford to Charles Dralle
- Cheryl Dralle to Margaret Drane
- Maria Drane to Larry Drapeau
- Leo Drapeau to Chelsea Draper
- Cheri Draper to Gertrude Draper
- Gilbert Draper to Leah Draper
- Leann Draper to Rhonda Draper
- Richard Draper to Stephen Drapkin
- Susan Drapkin to Lisa Draughn
- Lori Draughn to Alicia Draves
- Amanda Draves to Clarence Drawdy
- Clinton Drawdy to Gregory Dray
- Harold Dray to Alberta Drayton
- Alexander Drayton to Ivy Drayton
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- Sharon Drayton to Matthew Drechsel
- Michael Drechsel to Louis Drees
- Lynn Drees to Alex Dreher
- Alexander Dreher to Kelly Dreher
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- Larry Dreibelbis to Anna Dreiling
- Anne Dreiling to Karen Dreisbach
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- Michael Drenning to Matthew Dresch
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- Raymond Drewry to Martha Drews
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- Andrew Dreyfus to Dorothy Dries
- Edward Dries to Brandon Driggers
- Brandy Driggers to Keri Driggers
- Kerry Driggers to Michael Driggins
- William Driggins to Michael Drinan
- Nancy Drinan to Anne Drinkwater
- Anthony Drinkwater to Sharon Drinnen
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- Bryan Driscoll to Harry Driscoll
- Hazel Driscoll to Marian Driscoll
- Marianne Driscoll to Timothy Driscoll
- Tina Driscoll to Helen Driskell
- Henry Driskell to Bradley Driskill
- Brandon Driskill to Tara Driskill
- Teresa Driskill to Christy Driver
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- Jeanette Driver to Nick Driver
- Nicole Driver to James Driza
- James Drizos to Adam Droegemueller
- John Droegemueller to Jessica Drolet
- John Drolet to Christopher Drone
- Daniel Drone to Chris Dropps
- Daniel Dropps to Kristina Drost
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- Diane Drouin to Bonnie Drown
- Brenda Drown to David Droz
- Diana Droz to Bernard Drozdowski
- Bernice Drozdowski to Susan Druckenmiller
- Tamara Druckenmiller to Scott Drucker
- Selma Drucker to Bruce Drukker
- Michael Drukman to Louis Drum
- Louise Drum to Frank Drumheller
- Gail Drumheller to Heather Drumm
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- Debra Drummer to April Drummond
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- Emma Drummond to Kristi Drummond
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- Robyn Drummond to Barbara Drumright
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- Douglas Drury to Maryanne Drury
- Matt Drury to Charles Drushal
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- Wall Dry to Jeffrey Dryden
- Jennifer Dryden to Beverly Drye
- Bill Drye to Daniel Dryer
- Danielle Dryer to Jason Drylie
- John Drylie to Lisa Drzal
- Mary Drzal to Cecilia Dsouza
- Cedric Dsouza to Michael Dt
- Thunder Dt to Joyce Du
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- Xiaohua Du to Doris Duane
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- Damian Duarte to Francisco Duarte
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- Jeremy Dubay to Christine Dubbs
- Christopher Dubbs to Debra Dube
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- Shirley Dubin to Hal Dublin
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- Karla Dubois to Patti Dubois
- Paul Dubois to Zachary Dubois
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- Clarke Dubose to Jennifer Dubose
- Jeremy Dubose to Prentice Dubose
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- Richard Dubow to James Dubroc
- Jon Dubroc to Joann Dubuc
- John Dubuc to Brenda Duby
- Brian Duby to Jennifer Duca
- Joe Duca to Jeffrey Duce
- Jennifer Duce to Richard Duchane
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- Donna Duck to Tracy Duck
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- Bernard Duckworth to Harold Duckworth
- Harry Duckworth to Monica Duckworth
- Monique Duckworth to Beverly Duclos
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- Allen Ducote to Richard Ducote
- Rita Ducote to Dorota Duda
- Dorothy Duda to Rose Duda
- Rosemarie Duda to Thomas Dudas
- Timothy Dudas to James Duddy
- Jean Duddy to Doris Dudek
- Dorothy Dudek to Teresa Dudek
- Terry Dudek to Scott Dudgeon
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- Dolores Dudley to James Dudley
- Jamie Dudley to Lilly Dudley
- Linda Dudley to Rachael Dudley
- Rachel Dudley to Tracy Dudley
- Travis Dudley to Diane Dudzik
- Donna Dudzik to Wanda Due
- Wayne Due to Jamie Duell
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- Beatriz Duenas to Jason Duenas
- Javier Duenas to Rosa Duenas
- Rosalba Duenas to Virginia Duenez
- Yolanda Duenez to William Duerfeldt
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- Mark Duerr to David Duessel
- William Duessel to Deborah Dufault
- Debra Dufault to Angela Duff
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- Eugenia Duff to Lindsay Duff
- Lindsey Duff to Stephanie Duff
- Stephen Duff to Patricia Duffel
- Robert Duffel to Dana Duffey
- Daniel Duffey to Raymond Duffey
- Rebecca Duffey to Loren Duffie
- Marcia Duffie to Joann Duffield
- Joanne Duffield to Helen Duffin
- Jack Duffin to Thomas Dufford
- Troy Dufford to Chris Duffy
- Christa Duffy to Glen Duffy
- Glenda Duffy to Leigh Duffy
- Lena Duffy to Raymond Duffy
- Rebecca Duffy to Peter Dufner
- Robert Dufner to Gerald Dufour
- Geraldine Dufour to Wayne Dufour
- Wendy Dufour to Michelle Dufrene
- Mike Dufrene to Jeanette Dufresne
- Jeanne Dufresne to Daniel Dugal
- David Dugal to Darryl Dugan
- Dave Dugan to Joshua Dugan
- Joy Dugan to Rachael Dugan
- Rachel Dugan to Ronaldo Dugars
- Antonio Dugarte to Hope Dugas
- Horace Dugas to Sara Dugas
- Sarah Dugas to Amy Duggan
- Andrea Duggan to Helen Duggan
- Henry Duggan to Phyllis Duggan
- Priscilla Duggan to Beth Dugger
- Bettie Dugger to Jamie Dugger
- Jan Dugger to Russell Dugger