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- Brianne Lee to Caryl Lee
- Carylon Lee to Cheryl Lee
- Cherylann Lee to Clay Lee
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- Donovan Lee to Elliott Lee
- Ellis Lee to Evi Lee
- Evia Lee to Gaylon Lee
- Gaylord Lee to Haddie Lee
- Hae Lee to Herma Lee
- Herman Lee to Hyemin Lee
- Hyen Lee to Isham Lee
- Isiah Lee to Jared Lee
- Jarel Lee to Jewel Lee
- Jewell Lee to Jongsuk Lee
- Jongsun Lee to Juston Lee
- Juwan Lee to Keia Lee
- Keianna Lee to Kisik Lee
- Kisoo Lee to Kyungsik Lee
- Kyungsin Lee to Lavonna Lee
- Lavonne Lee to Liz Lee
- Liza Lee to Maing Lee
- Maisha Lee to Master Lee
- Mastin Lee to Mika Lee
- Mikaela Lee to Myoung Lee
- Myoungja Lee to Nola Lee
- Nolan Lee to Pau Lee
- Paul Lee to Ramona Lee
- Ramond Lee to Rollin Lee
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- Sangjun Lee to Shanai Lee
- Shanda Lee to Shireen Lee
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- Sunwoo Lee to Teddy Lee
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- Tonny Lee to Vanessa Lee
- Vang Lee to Wil Lee
- Wilber Lee to Yet Lee
- Yeu Lee to Yumiko Lee
- Yumin Lee to Carol Leech
- Caroline Leech to Rebecca Leech
- Renee Leech to Gary Leedom
- George Leedom to Ken Leeds
- Kenneth Leeds to Gene Leedy
- George Leedy to Beverly Leek
- Bill Leek to Tina Leek
- Tommy Leek to Kyle Leeman
- Larry Leeman to Robert Leensvaart
- Andrea Leep to Greg Leeper
- Gregory Leeper to Steve Leeper
- Steven Leeper to Clifton Lees
- Clyde Lees to Rhonda Lees
- Richard Lees to George Leeser
- Harry Leeser to Edward Leet
- Elizabeth Leet to Gary Leeth
- George Leeth to Elizabeth Lefavour
- George Lefavour to Chris Lefebvre
- Christina Lefebvre to Noel Lefebvre
- Norman Lefebvre to Jerry Lefever
- Jessica Lefever to Anne Lefevre
- Anthony Lefevre to Maureen Lefevre
- Megan Lefevre to Lawrence Leff
- Lee Leff to Freda Leffell
- Heather Leffell to Jennifer Leffingwell
- Joanna Leffingwell to Joel Leffler
- John Leffler to Ann Lefkowitz
- Anna Lefkowitz to Adam Lefler
- Alan Lefler to Peggy Lefler
- Penny Lefler to Marilyn Leflore
- Mark Leflore to Michelle Lefrancois
- Nicholas Lefrancois to Jamie Leftwich
- Jane Leftwich to Robert Legal
- Thomas Legal to Leo Legare
- Leonard Legare to Kristine Legaspi
- Larry Legaspi to Amanda Legault
- Andre Legault to Anthony Legendre
- Barbara Legendre to Carrie Leger
- Carrol Leger to Joseph Leger
- Josephine Leger to Sherry Leger
- Shirley Leger to Stephanie Legere
- Stephen Legere to Arthur Legg
- Ashley Legg to Jennifer Legg
- Jenny Legg to Shirley Legg
- Sidney Legg to Roger Legge
- Ronald Legge to Donnie Leggett
- Donny Leggett to Latasha Leggett
- Latoya Leggett to Stephanie Leggett
- Stephen Leggett to Michelle Leggio
- Nicholas Leggio to Thomas Legler
- Timothy Legler to Anna Legrand
- Anne Legrand to Martha Legrand
- Mary Legrand to Monica Legree
- Nathaniel Legree to Linda Legum
- Steven Legum to Margaret Lehet
- Michael Lehet to Audrey Lehman
- August Lehman to E Lehman
- Earl Lehman to Jodi Lehman
- Jodie Lehman to Micah Lehman
- Michael Lehman to Taylor Lehman
- Ted Lehman to Doug Lehmann
- Douglas Lehmann to Melinda Lehmann
- Melissa Lehmann to Janet Lehmkuhl
- Jason Lehmkuhl to Adam Lehner
- Albert Lehner to Tracey Lehner
- Urban Lehner to Michael Lehotsky
- Susan Lehotsky to Jerry Lehr
- Jesse Lehr to David Lehrbaum
- Darryl Lehre to Gloria Lehrman
- Heather Lehrman to Peter Lehto
- Randy Lehto to Liang Lei
- Lili Lei to Harold Leib
- Heather Leib to John Leibert
- Kenneth Leibert to Aaron Leibowitz
- Abe Leibowitz to Stacey Leibowitz
- Stacy Leibowitz to Raymond Leichliter
- Robert Leichliter to Anthony Leick
- Barbara Leick to Patricia Leidig
- Paul Leidig to Daniel Leif
- David Leif to Bertha Leigh
- Bessie Leigh to Jane Leigh
- Janet Leigh to Ricky Leigh
- Rita Leigh to Amber Leighton
- Amelia Leighton to Jill Leighton
- Jim Leighton to Ted Leighton
- Teresa Leighton to David Leih
- John Leihgeber to Lee Leija
- Leonardo Leija to Erin Leiker
- Francis Leiker to Robert Leimkuhler
- Thomas Leimkuhler to Michael Leinbach
- Nancy Leinbach to Charles Leingang
- Cindy Leingang to Justin Leininger
- Karen Leininger to Allen Leinweber
- Amy Leinweber to Benjamin Leis
- Bernard Leis to Paul Leischner
- Richard Leischner to Harry Leisher
- John Leisher to Charles Leiss
- Danny Leiss to Kathleen Leisten
- Mark Leisten to William Leister
- Zachary Leister to Manuel Leitao
- Maria Leitao to Shannon Leitch
- Sharon Leitch to Tanya Leite
- Teresa Leite to Frank Leitera
- Gina Leiteritz to Thomas Leith
- Timothy Leith to Joyce Leitner
- Judith Leitner to Laura Leitz
- Linda Leitz to Deborah Leiva
- Delia Leiva to Nora Leiva
- Norma Leiva to Robert Lejeffrey
- Aaron Lejeune to Kenneth Lejeune
- Kenny Lejeune to Christopher Lekas
- Elizabeth Lekas to James Leland
- Jamie Leland to Joseph Leleux
- Kimberly Leleux to Adrian Lema
- Alex Lema to Ngoc Lemai
- Phuong Lemai to Eric Lemaitre
- George Lemaitre to Joshua Lemanski
- Julie Lemanski to Bertha Lemaster
- Beth Lemaster to Kelly Lemaster
- Kendall Lemaster to Amanda Lemasters
- Amber Lemasters to Robert Lematta
- Aaron Lemay to Jenny Lemay
- Jeremy Lemay to Tabitha Lemay
- Tammy Lemay to Joseph Lembke
- Judith Lembke to Alfred Lemcool
- John Lemcool to Cynthia Lemere
- Dale Lemere to Beverly Lemieux
- Bill Lemieux to Lee Lemieux
- Leo Lemieux to Betty Leming
- Bill Leming to Dawn Lemire
- Deborah Lemire to Amy Lemke
- Andrea Lemke to Jay Lemke
- Jayne Lemke to Ruby Lemke
- Russell Lemke to David Lemley
- Dawn Lemley to Terry Lemley
- Thelma Lemley to Anthony Lemmer
- Ashley Lemmer to Alan Lemmon
- Albert Lemmon to Katherine Lemmon
- Kathleen Lemmon to Lauren Lemmond
- Linda Lemmond to Nancy Lemmons
- Norma Lemmons to Debra Lemoine
- Denise Lemoine to Nicole Lemoine
- Nikki Lemoine to C Lemon
- Calvin Lemon to Jacqueline Lemon
- Jacquelyn Lemon to Nancy Lemon
- Natalie Lemon to Yolanda Lemon
- Yvonne Lemon to Archie Lemons
- Arlene Lemons to Gabrielle Lemons
- Gail Lemons to Marlon Lemons
- Marsha Lemons to Violet Lemons
- Virgil Lemons to Jennifer Lemos
- Jeremy Lemos to Lisa Lemp
- Margaret Lemp to Carmen Lemus
- Carol Lemus to Hortencia Lemus
- Hugo Lemus to Nelson Lemus
- Nery Lemus to Brian Len
- Charles Len to Lauri Lenahan
- Laurie Lenahan to Kathy Lenard
- Kay Lenard to Stanley Lenart
- Stefan Lenart to Michele Lender
- Michelle Lender to George Lenehan
- James Lenehan to Mervin Lengacher
- Michael Lengacher to Quyen Lenguyen
- Tam Lenguyen to Anna Lenhardt
- Anthony Lenhardt to Eugene Lenhart
- Evelyn Lenhart to Wanda Lenhart
- Warren Lenhart to Jerry Lenington
- John Lenington to Matthew Lenker
- Melissa Lenker to Thomas Lennex
- William Lennex to Corey Lennon
- Cory Lennon to Lori Lennon
- Lorraine Lennon to Christine Lennox
- Christopher Lennox to David Lenny
- Deborah Lenny to Henry Lenoir