(718) 536-8327 Owners, Location & Address

Located in or near New York City Zone, NY

(718) 536-8327

Is this phone number suspicious?

Owner’s Information

Location: New York City Zone, NY
The phone number 718-536-8327 is located in or around New York City Zone, NY. This mobile number is registered with AT&T Mobility. There have been 78 searches conducted for this number overall. There are 4 user comments, the latest received on September 2nd, 2020 and it has been marked as spam 3 times. This number has a current spam score of 30%. Below you will find additional detailed information:
question Type: Mobile
carrier Carrier: AT&T Mobility
County: Bronx
zipcode ZIP codes: 10457, 10459, 10460 and 10462
gps GPS: 40° 49' 58.42", -73° 50' 38.77"
Spam Score
Spam Reports

User Comments

September 2nd, 2020

Deposit approved. Paul, your online credit account has been funded with $6228.18: um13b.com/dMnjQ89oV0 financing number KF1793663706
August 29th, 2020
1:21am Marked as Spammer

Who Called: Keep sending me texts messages from a different number everyday and I'm getting sick of this if this keeps on going I'm going to file a police report
Someone by the name Robert talking about he came across parcel this go on everyday and I'm really sick of this stop texting my phone from different number
August 28th, 2020
7:55pm Marked as Spammer

Who Called: Didn't say
"______, we found a parcel from June owed to you. Kindly claim ownership and confirm for delivery here: ____link____"
August 28th, 2020
4:11pm Marked as Spammer

****, we came across a parcel from June pending for you. Please claim ownership and schedule for delivery here: l4sve.info/o6eQ9j2jKS
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FAQ: Learn more about (718) 536-8327

Which phone carrier is this number registered with?

(718) 536-8327 is registered with AT&T Mobility.

What Zip codes does (718) 536-8327 cover?

This number covers 10457, 10459, 10460 and 10462 zip codes.

What type of number is (718) 536-8327?

This phone line is categorized as a mobile number .

What area codes serve nearby areas?

Some nearby areas codes are 201, 212, 347, 516 and 518.

What city or town is (718) 536-8327 located in?

This number is located around New York City Zone, NY.

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