(913) 789-2979 Owners, Location & Address

Located in or near Kansas City, KS

(913) 789-2979

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Owner’s Information

Location: Kansas City, KS
The phone number 913-789-2979 is located in or around Kansas City, KS. This landline number is registered with AT&T Southwest. There have been 295 searches conducted for this number overall. There are 40 user comments, the latest received on July 6th, 2011 and it has never been marked as spam. This number has a current spam score of 100%. Below you will find additional detailed information:
question Type: Landline
carrier Carrier: AT&T Southwest
County: Wyandotte, Johnson, Cherokee
zipcode ZIP codes: 66101, 66112, 66118 and 66119
gps GPS: 39° 6' 53.05", -94° 38' 5.15"
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User Comments

July 6th, 2011

Harassing phone call
March 22nd, 2011

Is it legal for them to call you every hour on your cell phone wile your working and hang up on you? I mean really, they got my cell phone number from my friends and sending emails to anyone with the same name as me.I am not behind, I am waiting for the insurance to pay the debit. Last call they insisted I remove the insurance from the account so they could sent it to collections.Then they sent me a letter stating they where sending it to collections even though the insurance company would pay the whole amount. Now its a call every hour on my cell phone and they hang up.
March 22nd, 2011

we bought a home, and 4 days later my husband got over a 20% pay cut at his job. every month i struggle to be sure what i consider the important stuff to be paid, mortgage, cars, ins., utilites and food and gas....and what really SUCKS is, the credit cards is what gets paid late...and they are the ones that hit your credit the hardest!!!  i'm not the type of person who rack up debt and don't intend on paying it back, but when your forced into a ****ty position...you gotta do and take care of the most important...and my family and i need our roof over our heads first and foremost!
March 9th, 2011

It Walmart. However I don't have an account with them. I've reported them to the FTC. They call 10-15 times a day, every da.
February 12th, 2011

It helps to (believe it or not) once you get the call where you do not recognize the number, google it and check who it is on forums like this. Then ENTER the numer into contacts as that place. For example add this one to contacts and name Walmart. Scroll down and on "ring" section - click set and scroll down to "no ring". Then save. You won't have to listen to it again!
August 5th, 2010

Stop Calling me!!! you never answer when I say hello, and you call as early at 8am.  I have a baby that sleeps!!!!!!!!!!!
May 29th, 2010

Same here. They keep calling but never say anything...
May 9th, 2010

It's not enough that I have had to file hardship with these people (Wal-Mart credit card)but they call an average of 2-3 times PER DAY leaving no messages. What really frustrates me is that here it is Sunday, Mother's Day, and they have called twice. Apparently these folks have no life, no mother, no family.
May 5th, 2010

it's walmart but i don't have an account with them, they call my cell over 10 times a day and if you pick up no-one is there. when i did talk to someone i couldn't understand them and they wont remove me because it's not my account but if it's not my account why are they calling ME
April 13th, 2010

Frustrating when they wont leave a message!! Probably an automatic dialer that just keeps trying until someone answers and then you get that cute little message, "Please hang on for an operator". Thanks for this service, now at least I know it is my Walmart card calling!!
April 5th, 2010

Also another thing that i love to do to the callers is just answer and simply let the phone sit there. I usually play music or continue with video games or something. Its pretty entertaining to waste their time just as they do yours. i've gotten them to listen almost 10 minutes befor they disconect.
April 5th, 2010

Pfft! Change you phone number and send a group SMS to your contacts of the number change.
April 5th, 2010

Oh a good solution to this besides paying is just to give them a fake number to begin with. Ill never again give my correct number to a credit company for as long as i walk this earth.
April 5th, 2010

So who wants to destroy their office and cut their telephone lines? Ha. Bastards.
January 5th, 2010

Talked to these people, after they finally left a message saying who they are, to work out payment plan(Walmart card). They took payment then turned me back over to Walmart, cancelling out arrangements THEY made. Now I have them and Walmart calling nonstop. YOU made the agreement, now stick to it and stop calling!!
January 5th, 2010

I was late two payments and scheduled a payment for 1/13/10 that they are taking directly from my checking account. Even with a payment set up they are STILL calling me!!
November 23rd, 2009

late walmart bill
November 22nd, 2009

WALMART CREDIT CARDThey call 6 times a day plus weekends set to automatic dialer.  Call Mon-Fri, tell them you're moving out of state, applied for unemployment, waiting on decision, tell them you have no phone after a certain day and next time they call, just tell them you are not that person they're asking for.  I tried legally to get them to stop.  Doesn't work for me so from now on, they will be lied to because I just don't care....they don't.  They love it for you to be late.  That's how theses people survive...on LATE FEES.  Best thing to do it talk to someone though.  You ignore them, they call more.  CLOSE ACCOUNT!
November 19th, 2009

I have had a credit card since December of last year. Since May of this year, I have been out of a job after being made redundant and was therefore unable to continue with the credit card payments. I cancelled the card and have been making lower, regular payments per month to pay off the remaining balance on the card. It has been going fine - I have not paid anything late, always to the right amount and no complaints from anyone thus far. However, since yesterday these calls have been coming through from a GE Money bank regarding this debt. They seem to be under the impression that I haven't paid anything since May when I cancelled the card, that my remaining balance is more than $5000 more than what it actually is and that they have contacted me numerous times and received no response. I don't know what is going on. Either they are trying something fishy with me or, for some reason or other, the company to which I am paying my debt to has decided to pass it on to a debt agency even though I am making payments on said debt. Either way, whatever they are trying to do is not going to work. It couldn't even if I wanted it to. They are demanding that I either pay the balance in full or pay it off in two segments. Not going to happen. I have only just got myself another job that pays twice as less than my previous but it's better than nothing. I am just about managing to keep on top of my bills every month and the only way I am ever able to purchase items for myself, such as clothes, is if my mother gives me a little help. How on Earth am I supposed to pay a sum of $8200 (which is a ridiculous, fictitious amount) without losing my home, my job and my integrity? These people can go and kiss my behind. I am paying my debt, I am keeping myself afloat for the time being and they will not turn all of this to trash because their un-educated monkeys that they have working at the desks want a bit of over-time for their ever so tiring jobs of harassing people every day. If anybody from this retched excuse of a company is reading this, I have one simple thing to say to you:Kiss my A**x
November 19th, 2009

These people call about 10 times a day. I have talked to them and told them I can not give anything untill after the first of the year because we had to fork over alot of money to try and save our home. Those people do not care as long as they get the money for calling and hurassing people. If I had a money tree I would be more then happy to go pick some green for them.
October 13th, 2009

This is getting so tiring....I work 3rd shift and this number calls me at all times of the day and NEVER leaves a message. If you don't want to leave a message then don't call. I don't know who you are or what you want. My number is a private line because I have an estranged husband trying to find me and hurt me.
October 5th, 2009

this number calls and I don't know who it is so I don't answer. they never leave a message and they call time of the day. I work 3rd shift and it is hard to sleep with them calling every other hour. it is getting Aggravating!!!!!
September 7th, 2009

Misrepresented who they were to my father calling his number and I do not reside with him. He told them that he would give me there telephone number and he did. they have continued to call him on his personal cell phone running up his minutes. The people calling said that they were in ohio and the number that they gave that they were calling from is listed with Kansas City Kansas.
July 7th, 2009

OPPS forgot to pay walmart!
July 4th, 2009

call 24 7s
May 4th, 2009

I cannot stand these calls. I have 8 credit cards that call me, all day long. I lost my job and tell each that but they don't care.
April 15th, 2009

Company calls me 12 to 16 times a day. I went as far as getting my home number changed now they are calling my cell phone this much.
April 3rd, 2009

calling about a credit card that belongs to my boyfriend.... how did they get MY number???? we are not married
March 29th, 2009

I have no connection to GE Money and/or Wal Mart, so I'm not sure why they call 20 times a day, without leaving a message.
March 24th, 2009

It's GE Money bank collecting for a store credit card, like Wal-Mart. I imagine they call alot of people in this economy, good luck is all I have to say.
January 16th, 2009

They call 20+ a day, I have explained each time that the person they are looking for does not live here, wrong number, etc. They just dont give a rats a**, and I am reg with the donotcall.gov site. This is sick.
January 14th, 2009

the # that is being called is the reference desk at a library in Georgia...we believe it is a debt collector ... I can't keep running to answer the phone when I am helping patrons in the library.....
January 3rd, 2009

i have paid up to date on my bill and still this company calls about six times a day.also called while i was having christmas dinner.
December 2nd, 2008

i wish to god they would stop calling me
December 2nd, 2008

i wish to god they would stop calling me
November 3rd, 2008

Called for another person. Have had this number for over 4 years. -Have also called me multiple times from
October 28th, 2008

These people are so illiterate they call and do not say a word,have told them not to call cell phone anymore they still call five and six times a day. ACA, and FDCPA says if the collectors are calling a cell phone you can ask them not to call and they are to quit calling but these idiots want to be sued!!!!! -
August 1st, 2008

wal-mart creditcard walmart creditcard they call over and over, if i do not answer they get my voicemail and talk to their officemates and laugh while not leaving any message... just their childish background laughing, then hangup after wasting a few minutes of my mail space.
June 17th, 2008

they call 10 times a day starting at 7:00am til 9:30 at night.
April 9th, 2008

This number calls numerous times a day. If you hang up on them they call right back but still don't speak.
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FAQ: Learn more about (913) 789-2979

Which phone carrier is this number registered with?

(913) 789-2979 is registered with AT&T Southwest.

What Zip codes does (913) 789-2979 cover?

This number covers 66101, 66112, 66118 and 66119 zip codes.

What type of number is (913) 789-2979?

This phone number is categorized as a landline

What area codes serve nearby areas?

Some nearby areas codes are 417, 660, 816 and 913.

What city or town is (913) 789-2979 located in?

This number is located around Kansas City, KS.

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